
workshops - aktuelle termine

Stempelschnitzen und Mustern
Aktuell gibts keine "live"-Workshops, aber - siehe unten - online Workshops können besucht werden...

Papierornamente - schnitzen, drucken, schneiden, falten, kleben
Online-Workshop mit Quadrat und Dreieck.
Ich freue mich riesig, das Angebot von Onlineworkshops im Jeromin Werkladen mit meinem Kurs "Papierornamente" zu eröffnen.
Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Grundformen Quadrat und Dreieck in diesem Kurs und lernen, wie sich dekorative geometrische
Figuren zusammensetzen lassen. Zum Kurs gehören über eine Stunde Videomaterial, ein 6-seitiges PDF mit Vorlagen (teils von
mir gemustert, teils blanko), ein Anleitungs-PDF, das sich zu einem 16-seitigen Zine falten lässt und ein PDF mit Kursbeschreibung.
Weitere Infos auf der brandneuen Online-Workshopseite des -> -> -> Jeromin Werkladens

December 2020
CarveDecemberClass with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and
ten international block printing and stamp carving guest teachers

I'm so pleased to share that I am part of an extraordinary block printing/stamp carving online
course called, "Carve December: 31 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for Carving, Printing, and Designing
Custom Stamps." There are eleven instructors from across the globe and every single one of
them has participated in #CarveDecember in previous years.

If you don't know about #CarveDecember, it's an annual challenge to carve and print a stamp
every single day in December and I'm regularly participating since 2015. Going in my sixth year in 2020!

In "Carve December: 31 Tips, Tricks, & Ideas for Carving, Printing, & Designing Stamps" you will find
31 video lessons, each one delivering a tip, trick or idea for you to implement in your own
stamp carving/block printing process.

There are tips, tricks, and techniques in this course for beginners and experienced carvers.
Once you purchase the course, you have lifetime access. So do a lesson a day, or spread them
out over the next five years. You can do this course in the timeline that works for you and revisit
your favorite lessons whenever you need to brush up on the technique or idea.

You will be able to ask questions and talk to other classmates in the comments section of each
lesson. It's a community of artists and I am looking forward to seeing you in class!
Please let me know if you have any questions. #carvedecemberclass

The direct way to the class and even more informations: -> -> -> HERE










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